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Wo man in der Nähe der Sukhumvit Mädels findet, ist ja allgemein bekannt.
Aber wie sieht es in Chinatown aus?
Weiß einer was?
Wegen Chinese New Year will ich hier: http://riverviewbkk.com/ wohnen und wenn möglich will ich nicht immer erst zur Sukhumvit fahren...
I just went to Cameroon/West Africa in October 2000. I heard about some street action but don't know where exactly. The place is not very safe for foreigners. A good alternative is the disco in the Safari Club, a hotel and disco complex in the center of the town. Take a cab and ask to go to the...
Best place is in front of the Tropic hotel. Bevy of beauties around 20 30 USD. Most side streets in the area have action for as low as 5 10 USD. Also worth mention is just at the entrance to the Ilha or "island". Also Miami Beach on the Ilha and the Copacabana. Walking at dark if you are white...