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Kambodscha Blowjob for a dollar



Englischer Text von Mr.X

The newspapers in Singapore and in the region have in the past few months painted a very different Cambodia in their reports. It's worse than you think, believe me. Murders, gun fights, rape cases, sex slavery and Aids are more real than what we have ever imagined back in "paradise Singapore". As a traveler who commutes frequently to the "most dangerous place on earth", Phnom Penh makes Bangkok an angel, when it comes to exploitation of skin trade and Johannesburg a safe haven, when we compare crime rates, which are pale in comparison.

In short, my friends, be prepared for a shock when you touchdown at Pochentong Airport, Phnom Penh and nothing that you have ever prepared yourself for will be enough for Cambodia - the land of all majors. Major crime, major drugs, major sex and of course mega fun if you know where and how to get it.

But beneath the danger, chaos and disorder of the last true frontier lies excitement, genuineness and a certain charm that big city folks will never find. Better put, have never tasted and will never understand what they have missed. And just like Vietnam, it's never going to be the same. Five years from now, this report will read like a page off the history book and everything will be different. So if you want to experience the real Cambodia, now is the time to do it.

As Sammyboy have specifically wanted in this field report, I will only tell you about situations regarding the fairer sex. Distinctively there are 3 types of customers - local, high-class local and expatriate.

Local entertainment

For the budget-conscious, there are many options to give their mojo a real workout. There are unlimited stretches of whorehouses situated in convenient locations around Phnom Penh that offers girls from 14 to 30. They are found in squatter environment on the main street and patrons simply walk around to pick their choice. The going rate starts from $2 to maximum $5 and patrons go to the back of the house for an hour of fun. In other parts outside the city, country stock can be seen offering sexual services to the numerous drivers that ply the city to province route. For those in a hurry they can get oral services starting from a dollar. Yucky, but its true, it has been said that these girls go through 4 or 5 clients before they have time to wash their mouth, so that explains the high rate of sex disease and aids cases. The fact that Aids was a UN-problem shocked many and this is how it happened. It was not until the UN peacekeeping force that made up of forces from all over the world, including that of a few African nations, that Aids started its spread in that nation.

As far as the budget whorehouses are concern, very few foreigners now visit them. But take a good look and you'll find some lovely stocks there, a shame that the lack of hygiene and precaution have ruined the potential of the local girls. Still worth a drive-around but may sure, you're in a 4X4 and have a local with you when you visit.

More Buck for the Bang

For the high-class local, there are just too many options. They can trade down to the budget class or trade up to the expatriate class. Any there are also the Vietnamese Villages. I am sure a lot of you have not even heard about this, neither have the NGOs like Women's Rights Movement, who have been instrumental in getting publicity for the beers girls, prostitutes and rape victims in regionally newspaper recently. What happens here is simple, the villages are actually holding centers for Vietnamese girls who have made their way across the border. More likely than not, they have been "sold" to pimps for a princely sum of $500 usually when their parents needed extra cash to feed the extra mouths at home.

The girls are then send to these villages to earn their first $750 to repay their debtors. As you have figured out by now, they must have certain looks and qualities to enable them to be sold. And if virgins are your taste, you can pre-book your intentions with the many pimps who specialize in bringing 12 to 15 year olds teens into Cambodia. The virgins go for $100 to $250 and subsequently drop to $30 to $50 per session for a month after that. After the first month of being deflowered, the girls then drop to street prices of $10 to $20 dollars depending on looks and your bargaining power.

Once they redeemed themselves after paying off the $750, they can either choose to return home or stay in Cambodia to earn their keeps. They can be found either in the massage joints, Karaoke, Night clubs or private mess found in and around Phnom Penh, Kampong Som, Siam Reap or the border casinos near Poipet, Thailand and Bavert, Vietnam.

In earlier visits to these villages, the writer has occasionally spotted Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese and HongKies amongst the scores of Westerners who are frequent visitors to these villages. So it's no real secret but you have to know someone to get there. Forget about the tour guides, it's really off the beaten track.

By the Mekong River

Then there are the riverside chalets. Tucked about an hour's drive away from Phnom Penh, they are a favourite amongst the richer Cambodians. The deal is this, for $30 to $50, you can spend 3 hours in a wooden chalet build on the water's edge. Included in the price is a masseur, who will attend to your every need and you do all you can in the 3 hours until you had enough. It is also a practice amongst the Taiwanese and Hongkies to consume the mojo maker, king cobra's blood, gall bladder and herbal turtle soup being getting down into action. Of course the special menu will set you back another $60 to $100, depending on the size of the live cobra. I have never tasted or tried its special effect on my sex drive but my close friends have sworn by its effectiveness in going a full 5 hours before "the girls can take it no more".

In the Heart of the City

The local Karaokes, Night Clubs and Discos also offer a huge variety of options. From the mummy-controlled girls to the freelancers who ply their trade in the endless numbers of joints found on the three main streets, Monivong, Mao Tse Tong Bouvelard and Sihanouk Avenue. There are easily 150 licensed operations and scores of see-today, gone-tomorrow joints. The more prominent Karaokes include Happy Palace, StarKTV, Big Boss, Double Happiness, Mega, 99 and Lian Phong where the Romanian girls were hauled-up recently. There are only two known discos and by size, Manhattan at Halliday Hotel (no typo error there) is the biggest and Casa at Sharaton (again a copy cat of Sheraton) makes up the offering if dancing teens is your dig.

Singing your blues away

Typically in the Karaokes, an outing begins quietly with the patrons being escorted to their rooms. Then drink orders are taken and enter the mummy who will ask you if you are interested in young girls. Once you have indicated your interest, 40 to 50 girls in batch of tens are paraded in the small and brightly lighted rooms, so that you can take your time to choose your picks. Once you have chosen your young chicks, you can dim down the lights to continue with the business of the day.

In the local joints, the girls are of Cambodian and Vietnamese origins and in the expat joints, Vietnamese, China girls, Russian and eastern Europeans make up the numbers. If you have not been there before, you will find little difference in the joints there and say, Malaysia, where you get to put your hands where you want to, drink, sing and bring the girls home for a all-night banging affair.

A regular will find a whole of difference. Recently in a mass outing, 15 regulars including your good self, turn a king-size karaoke room into something of a mess. It started with a biggest breast contest, then pinkest nipples, best shaped, firmest, softest and smallest were added. The revelers each forked out $10 to form a common pool to reward the participants and all sponsors had the task of playing judges. Each pair of breast were felt, examined and judged, at an average of three times per sponsors. There was a lot of breast experience that night and the six winners work away with US$25 for round 1. Round 2 promises to be better. The task was to find the hairiest pubic, least hair pubic, pinkest lips, biggest lips, wettest cunt and best ass contest. This time the stakes are high.

Each sponsor came up with another $10 and six winners worked away with yet another $25 each. A lot of drinks were consumed that night but I can still swear that some of my friends were getting a blowjob there and then. The final bill for an outing like this in a top-class joint came close to $500, tips excluded. All in, 4 bottles of JW Black label and countless beer were consumed. What followed after the drinking was done was another matter that is best left to your imagination.

Dancing teens

Now at the discos, be prepared to get shocked. The bulk of the dancers are your average 16 year-olds who are mostly the first cut from the Vietnamese villages. By now, they have shed their kampong looks and are as average as the young ladies found at Taijie. Very appetising considering that $30 to $50 buys you a whole night of bang if you are sick of moving your bones in the monotonous techno music. Not to mention the availability of stimulant drugs and other local herbs that are available openly. It boils down to who you know that's all.

The chicks, there must be over a hundred in each of the two joints - Manhattan and Casa, so you can never walk out single-handed. But beware of gang fights, stay clear of fighting crowds and never take a table at the entrance. Business rivals have been known to lob grenades, yes the exploding type with fragments, into discos to drive away the crowd when their own business suffers.

Another word of advice - the Vietnamese is a very shy creature. Once you take them into your room, they will go all maka (word for shy) and it takes a bit of prompting to get them started. Do try the double barrel, that is two at a go, its great fun and if you let them don dark glasses, video taping the entire act with a good tip, is not out of the question.

Snakeheads and Chinese Girls

Recently, a local associate told me a most extraordinary tale. He revealed that Chinese snakeheads are smuggling Mainland Chinese out of China through Phnom Penh. But some snakeheads never had the intention to bring them to their promised land. So they tell them that they will be housed in Phnom Penh (better known as Golden Side in Chinese) for a short period of them before they get shipped out.

Once these Chinese gets into the hands of the Cambodian smugglers, things changed. The smugglers, most of them in the police and army, housed them in little sheds without proper facilities and feed them once a day. After about a week or so, the women are separated from the men and then the side business begins. The women who are allowed to take a bath are the real victims. Little did they realise that their nightmare has just begun.

The smugglers then invite customers to go into these sheds and literally rape all you want. I understand that the going rate is $50 per participant. But there is no way that this writer is going to indulge in this kind of sport. To confirm this tall tale, I have personally checked out the place and it's true. Many will also not believe that the sheds are just behind the police quarter. At the end of a few months, these Mainland Chinese girls will either be begging to go home or may end up in other entertainment centres in Cambodia. This is really sad.

Rate card

The rates at pretty standard, $ 200 to $300 per night for white cunts: $100 to $150 for the Dragon Girls; $30 to $50 for the lovely Vietnamese and $20 to $40 for the darker and more exotic Khmer Chicks. The rates are for a whole night affair and you are free to check them into any hotel that you are staying, but a word of caution, you better go equipped with the rubbers because most of the chicks don't carry them and when they tell you that they do not know how to use them, you better believe them.

Last but not least, be careful when you are in Phnom Penh do be very careful. The streets are dangerous at night. If police ever flags you at night or at secluded places, never stop because they may well be robbers posing as cops. At discos or nightclubs, never get a set near the main door, so that you will not be directly hit, if someone decides to throw a grenade or two. If you are traveling in a group, be very careful because you will stand out like a sore thumb and the thieves will find ways to net everyone at one go.

Finally, have fun and get there fast before Phnom Penh becomes just another page in the history of sex.​